Monday, June 16, 2014

A few years ago, my hubby's cousin asked me "can you make a quilt out of old jeans?" Of course I said, "Sure, no problem."  He said he would get a box of jeans in the mail to me very soon.  I forgot all about this conversation till about a year later when this box came in the mail.  The size put me off for a while plus I had other things to do and he did say no rush :-)

It has been over a year since the box arrived and I am finally getting around to emptying it.  The jeans just kept coming.  I took out pair after pair out of the box.  What size quilt is this going to be, OMG.

A few days and some very sore arm muscles my stack of jeans now looks like this.  I am slowly cutting them in to 6 1/2 inch and 3 1/2 inch strips and sewing them back together,  I will be using Yellow Brick Road pattern.  This is where I am at so far.

I have a long way till it's ready for the frame but it HAS to be done and ready to hand off by July 8th. On the 9th myself and my two daughters will start our girls only vacation road trip to see my family and hubby's family in Illinois and South Dakota.  I will be handing the jeans back to their owner but in a useful form again.

First block down 90 or so to go :-)